Session 231: 4 Part (120 Mins) | Attacking | PDP | 14 Players
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Session 231: 4 Part (120 Mins) | Attacking | PDP | 14 Players
1. Creating Space | Skill (15-P1)
Practice 1 of Coaching Theme 15 Creating Space
4. Creating Space | Technical (15-P4)
This football practice is based on the Y Passing drill and is aimed at developing spatial awareness in Combination Play.
5. Creating Space | Overload Game (15-P5)
This opposed practice is focused on creating space for teammates and looks specifically at how we can create 2 v 1 and 3 v 2 overloads.
13. Creating Space | Adv. Lead (15-P13)
Practice 13 of our Xavi based coaching theme Creating Space’ is an Advanced lead practice, which combines units in a 4231 formation against
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