September 09

🔥1 V 1 Attack v Defence | 44-P8

Let's attack this week! Get ready for an exciting 1 v 1 showdown that develops your attacking and defensive skills! When the coach gives the signal, an attacker and a defender sprint around the poles to face off in a fast-paced 1 v 1 scenario. The attacker receives a pass and aims to beat the defender and score past the goalkeeper. If the defender wins the ball, they can counter-attack and attempt to score themselves. After every 2-3 rounds, teams switch roles to keep the action flowing. We can progress this practice by creating a 2 v 2 game, changing the game dynamic and type of play needed to beat defenders. This drill is fantastic for improving individual attacking moves, defensive positioning, and decision-making under pressure. 🔥⚽️


1 V 1 Attack v Defence | 44...

00:00 Intro00:12 Practice Breakdown00:28 Key Point 1:...