Here we go.. It's time to get organised for the season ahead and get Touchtight a little bit more organised for our users.
The new calendar feature now allows us to schedule planned content for release so you can keep up to date with new releases!
It will also help you with what to watch and when, as we look to structure our training plans this season so you can follow along.ย
Let us know your thoughts on what we think will be a great feature for you moving forwards. ๐

A quick look ๐ at how our first week of scheduling looks so you can get an idea of what is being set for release.ย
This is your chance to let us know what content you would like to be created and we can get these built on request where possible. ๐ช

Hi all, a quick update on what we have coming up these next few days.
Today: 3 v 2 Penetrating Passing Exercise: Great for helping players find those gaps between defenders in games
Tomorrow: Diagonal Passing Technical Warm Up - All about timing and helping players be more aware of teammates positioning
Monday - Medium Sided Game - Developing Final Third Combinations
It's been great being able to work collaboratively to develop these different practices. Please send in your requests for content below and we will get to creating these as quickly as we can for you. ๐ช
Love the Game!ย

Hi all, don't forget to check your calendar to see what we have scheduled for each day this week:ย
Today:ย Defensive Press and Cover Shape | 13-P7
Tomorrow:ย Wingers Creating Space & Driving Inside | 38-P2
Friday: Defending The Cross | 58-P12
We have new practices being published each day so make sure you are up to date with what's coming and where you can fit these into your weekly training plan! ๐ช๐ฅ

๐จ Upcoming Practices ๐จ
Hi Everyone! Don't forget to check your calendar for updates on which practices are coming up and where they can fit into your training plan. ๐ค
Just Released: Defend and Break out to Counter | 27-P13
Tomorrow:ย Press to Force Direction | 19-P9
Friday:ย Defensive Pressing & Covering | 19-P4
Get ahead by having a look at what's coming next week, with our focus turning to Phase 6: Defend the Goal practices. ๐