May 30

⚽️ Skill Box Relay | Mini Ballers P39

Players love competitive games and races and this fun, skill based relay is just that! One player from each team starts in the skill box, while the rest begin at the start station. To begin, a player from each team sprints to the skill square, where they must complete 10 quick passes with their teammate. Afterward, they swap places with the teammate in the box, who sprints back to the start station to tag the next player. The relay continues until all players have completed the skill and returned to their starting positions. Lots of variations you can add to this one, with a lot that can be achieved here, none more important than engaging and enthusing your players! ⚽️


Skill Box Relay | Mini Ball...

00:00 Intro & Breakdown 00:29 Key Point: Maintain Passing...