March 14, 2023

Hi everyone, 

First of all, apologies for not updating the community posts in the last few weeks with updates of what has been going on in the background. We will make sure to keep you all up to date regularly, as a lot has been and will be going on. 

Subtitled Content
First off, we've been updating our most recent content with English subtitles, after feedback on ease of understanding. We are updating about 5 of these per day. 

Session Plan and Image Formats
We are currently making Session Plans available in Keynote and Powerpoint format as well as PDF. This will give you much more flexibility in creating your own plans and adapting these for your own clubs. In addition you will see the practice image available, which you can also insert into your own session plans. 

Content, Content, Content!
Finally, we have managed to publish a new practice, or session every single day and will continue to produce what you, the user, has requested. We are focusing on many different types of Small Sided Games that can be delivered to all age groups with new Sessions daily. We have 40 New Sessions ready to publish, so will be rolling these out as we go.. we think these are our best created yet too!

Coming Soon...
Alongside new sessions and SSGs, we are about to create and publish many Mini Baller exercises and Goalkeeper content to cater for all coaches. We will also be creating the long anticipated 9 v 9 formation material, with linked practices and formation tips ready to rock and roll! Remember, if you have any ideas send to, or drop in the comments below and we will get to building. 🙌

Thanks again for supporting the community and we hope you look forward to this 'Massive March'! 

Enjoy your Passion! 🤝⚽️
