July 29

🔥 Pre-Season 95: Endurance Runs and Small Sided Games

This pre-season practice is designed to elevate speed endurance and sharpen 3 v 3 gameplay. Players are divided into two teams, each starting in opposite corners of the field and further split into groups of three. On the coach's whistle, two teams of three begin their endurance runs: sprinting at 85% speed along the widths and at 50% speed across. After completing their runs, they enter the game zone for an intense 3 v 3 match. Once a goal is scored or the ball exits play, the players leave the area to recover, triggering the next two groups to start their endurance runs. This dynamic session keeps players engaged and pushes their limits in both fitness and tactical play! 💪⚽️


Pre-Season 95: Endurance Ru...

00:00 Intro00:14 Key Point 1: Quick 1-2 Combinations00:24...