Leon Jackson


Mar 19 at 06:42 PM

🎉 Hey Team! We're about to release something pretty big for clubs and would like to get your feedback on what software is most important to you.

Add numbers 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the comments, or multiple numbers in the order most important to you... 👍

1. Engine Room (All videos and Session Plans)
2. Session Planner - Design your own Session Plans
3. Club Management - Manage Fixtures, Sessions, Coach, and Player data
4. Animation software - Create and share your own animations



Mar 12 at 01:14 PM

🎉 Hey Folks! We're currently in 2 minds as to what voiceovers help Touchtight users more. Which one of these do you personally find most useful? A simple 1 or 2 is just fine, but any comments you have would also be helpful. 👍

1. Coach Based with instructions for you as a coach on how to deliver

2. Player Based: Coach dialogue as if you the coach are delivering the session



Nov 14 at 06:01 PM

The Tactical Periodization Approach! 🎉

We have recently created more in depth practices and sessions in the last few weeks, to help you aid player recovery and conditioning from a tactical and physical perspective for games on the weekend.

It would be great to hear if this is useful for you or not in the comments below... 👌 (Yes or No)



Oct 23 at 05:19 PM


Oct 16 at 10:05 PM


Oct 09 at 09:04 AM

Hi everyone, we have recently been testing coach questions and possible solutions in videos to help coaches with delivery. https://app.touchtight.com/programs/defending-the-cross-58-p12

We are after as much feedback as possible on this style of video, so please have a watch and let us know what you would change if anything. We want our material to be as well suited for our users and coaches as possible, so your feedback is invaluable! 👌



Sep 28 at 10:41 AM

Hi everyone, 

We are currently adding voiceovers for all new videos. Could you let us know which you prefer if any from the videos above? 



We are also adding English subtitles to videos for when you can't play audio for whatever reason. We are considering adding subtitles for all videos so would be interested to see if this would be useful for you before we dive in! 👌 



Sep 14 at 11:35 AM

Hi all, a quick update on what we have coming up these next few days.

Today: 3 v 2 Penetrating Passing Exercise: Great for helping players find those gaps between defenders in games

Tomorrow: Diagonal Passing Technical Warm Up - All about timing and helping players be more aware of teammates positioning

Monday - Medium Sided Game - Developing Final Third Combinations

It's been great being able to work collaboratively to develop these different practices. Please send in your requests for content below and we will get to creating these as quickly as we can for you. 💪

Love the Game! 


Sep 14 at 11:29 AM

🎉 We are pleased to announce the release of our 442 formation based practices, a valuable resource for our customers.


The 442 formation is a fundamental tactical approach in soccer, and our practices are designed to help players and coaches enhance their understanding and execution of this formation.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, our drills and insights cover various aspects of the 442 formation, from defensive strategies to midfield transitions and attacking plays. These resources are a valuable addition and training toolkit, providing you with the tools to improve your 442 style of play. 

We appreciate any suggestions.. your feedback is invaluable! 🤝


Aug 10 at 01:09 PM

A quick look 👀 at how our first week of scheduling looks so you can get an idea of what is being set for release. 
This is your chance to let us know what content you would like to be created and we can get these built on request where possible. 💪