Leon Jackson


Jan 18 at 05:00 PM

Hi all, we have managed to create and publish 5 new practice animations since Monday and have another 4 to be released by Friday! Be great to hear how you have found amending and/or delivering these to your groups and how your players responded.

1. 34-P3: Quick Press Rondo - https://touchtight.co/pressing-rondos
2. 22-P8: Breaking Lines - https://touchtight.co/breaking-lines
3. 49-P5: 5 v 3 Rondo - https://touchtight.co/5-v-3-rondo
4. 22-P9: Midfield Gaps - https://touchtight.co/find-midfield-gaps
5. 33-P5: Quick fire Finishing - https://touchtight.co/quick-finishing

Let us know how it goes and don't forget to ask your questions and add feedback in the comments below each video to help others. 💪



Jan 11 at 05:38 PM

The last 24 hours has seen 3 new practice animations published. Look out for a GK practice later this afternoon/evening as well... 💪

1. 433 Attacking - Pattern of Play | 46-P7 | https://touchtight.co/433-attacking-play

2. Midfield 3 (Point Up) Triangle Combos | 77-P4 https://touchtight.co/midfield-3

3. Wide Triangle Full Back Overlap - Technical | 46-P4 https://touchtight.co/3rd-man-runs

Love the game!


Jan 10 at 12:32 PM



Jan 09 at 10:25 PM

Hi everyone, hope you and your players have had a great weekend!
We've managed to upload voiceovers to the following recently published videos, with a few more to come 😅:

1. (27-P5) Attack v Defence Wave https://touchtight.co/2V2S

2. (55-P10) The False Full Back - https://touchtight.co/FALSE-FB

3. (57-P4) The False Full Back (2) | Technical - https://touchtight.co/the-false-full-back

4. (76-P7) 433 Pattern of Play - https://touchtight.co/433-PATTERN

5. (53-P5) False 9 Connection - https://touchtight.co/FALSE-9

6. (55-P4) Deep Wide Rotations - https://touchtight.co/DEEP-WIDE-ROTATIONS

7. (55-9) FB/CM Rotations - Function - https://touchtight.co/FULL-BACK-FUNCTION

8. (53-P7) Deep Striker - Wave https://touchtight.co/FALSE-9-WAVE

9. (46-P2) Attacking / Counter Attacking https://touchtight.co/the-overload

10. Advanced Full Backs in 433 https://touchtight.co/433-advanced-full-backs

4 More on the way & 12 New Session Plans are ready to go 💪⚽️



Jan 06 at 04:58 PM

Hi everyone,

Happy New Year to you all, I hope 2023 is an excellent year for all of us!

We begin with the question "Would regular weekly plans on the site and app be useful and if so how?'.

As a coach, there will be moments when we may have 2, 3, or even 4 sessions for the week and on Sunday/Monday we have no idea what we're going to deliver. We invite you to provide as much feedback about your training schedule as possible to help steer this possible weekly schedule.

Any feedback or ideas would be really helpful. 




Dec 08 at 03:42 PM

Hi everyone,

We are in the process of putting together new sessions and Coach Curriculums based on the new filters being added. Whilst editing these, I thought it would be best to get your feedback on any specific sessions that you will definitely want to use. 🤔

If you could let me know your ideal session in a format similar to the one I've added below, we can look to get these created as soon as possible for you.

e.g. (Attacking Wide - 12 Players - Under 14s - 90 Minutes) and any other information that might be useful. 💪



Dec 01 at 11:46 AM

Hi everybody,

Thanks to the great feedback provided regarding formation filters, we are now in the process of populating our content. We are also adding Position, Coach Difficulty and Training Days as filters thanks to your suggestions! 💪

We will be adding a few questions that we would like you to feedback on, here is our first. 😬

We understand quantity and quality are hugely important, but should we sacrifice some quantity to continue adding English voiceovers, or increase content without them?

This is a hugely important question that we have debated for a while. If you could add 'Y' for voiceovers or 'N' for without below and any additional information to support that would be great. 🤝



Nov 23 at 06:30 PM

Hi everyone,

We are looking to add more filters for users to search for content by, most likely categorizing practices and sessions by formation. It would be great to hear if you think this would be useful on the website and/or mobile app.

We don't want to clutter the filters (more likely on desktop 😬) but we think adding formation categories for specific game-based content might be useful for you.

Happy to hear 'Yay' or 'Nay' and any other ideas 👍.




Nov 09 at 11:06 AM

I thought it would be interesting to find out which members use the app over the website and also if you are using the Playlists option to save and organise your favourite content on iS and Android Apps.

Let us know, so we can build on this functionality for you! 💪⚽️



Nov 03 at 03:40 PM

Hi everybody!

You are the bedrock of everything we do at Touchtight. For this reason, we would like to hear your feedback as to what is working well for you, and what could be improved.

We would really like for you to provide as much valuable feedback as possible., no matter how good or bad 😬😅.

We want you to really enjoy your time on the platforms, as we get less and less of it, so your voice is crucial for improving your experience.

Thank you for your input. 👍
