Touchtight Soccer Coaching
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September 13

⚽️ Dribble, Listen, Race! | Mini Ballers P55

Get ready for a fun and dynamic dribbling challenge! This Mini Ballers practice, set in a 20 by 20-yard area, is all about enhancing dribbling skills and awareness. Players will dribble around the area, avoiding collisions and maintaining control. When the coach calls out a team colour and zone (e.g., "Blue 4" or "Pink 1"), players must quickly dribble into the correct zone. The first team to have all its players in the right zone wins the round. After 4-5 rounds, the team with the most wins is crowned the overall winner! This practice is excellent for developing quick decision-making, agility, and dribbling skills under pressure.🎉


Dribble, Listen, Race! | Mi...

00:00 Intro00:18 Practice Breakdown00:30 Key Point 1: Maintain...
September 16

🔥 3 v 1 Transfer Rondos | 61-P12

Let's smash the week! Boost your team's possession skills and ability to switch play with this engaging rondo based practice. We divide the field into six zones, setting up a 3 v 1 rondo in each area. The goal is to complete 5 passes before transferring the ball to the other rondo through a connecting player from the Gold Team. As the ball moves across zones, a new defender enters to apply pressure. If the defenders win possession, their team swaps with the one whose player lost the ball. Rotate the transfer players regularly to ensure everyone experiences the role. We can add an attacking incentive for the defending team by allowing them to counter and finish in mini goals if they win possession. 🔥⚽️


3 v 1 Transfer Rondos | 61-...

00:00 Intro00:08 Practice Breakdown00:23 Defenders Win...
August 29

💪 Defensive Recovery Runs | 27-P4

This practice develops players' defensive recovery runs in a dynamic and competitive setting. It begins with a 3 v 1 possession game in the first zone, where attackers aim to complete 5-10 passes before transitioning the ball to teammates in the end zone for a finishing attempt. The defender’s task is to press and screen, trying to win the ball in zone one or intercept during their recovery run into the end zone. If the defender gains possession, they must quickly play to their target player to score a goal for their team. Players rotate as the active defender and target player after each round. As one side completes their action, the other group starts, providing a natural recovery period between sets. 💪⚽️


Defensive Recovery Runs | 2...

00:00 Intro00:10 Practice Breakdown00:22 Key Point 1: Screen...
August 26

🎉 Session 753: Maintain Possession to Attack

Elevate your team's passing and possession skills with this session designed to enhance technical ability, game intelligence, and teamwork. We start with a technical passing practice focusing on combinations with one and two touch passing. Next, we move into a breakout rondo that begins as a 5 v 2 possession game and transitions into a full match. Finally, we finish with a small-sided game where players score by maintaining possession, emphasising smart passing, movement, and teamwork. This session helps players develop their passing accuracy, spatial awareness, and ability to play together as a team.

September 06

⚽️ Dribble, Turn and Drive | Mini Ballers P50

Get ready for a fun and action-packed Mini Ballers practice that develops quick turns, dribbling skills, and awareness! We create a dynamic environment by setting up six pairs of cones around the area and dividing players into two teams. The challenge is simple: players dribble through a set of cones, make a sharp turn, and drive back out, scoring a point for every successful turn. To keep the game exciting and ensure they're always thinking, players can't use the same set of cones twice in a row. The team with the most points at the end wins! This practice not only boosts players' agility and ball control but also sharpens their decision-making and spatial awareness—key skills for any budding football star! 🌟


Dribble, Turn and Drive | M...

00:00 Intro00:10 Practice Breakdown00:23 Key Point 1: Can't Go...
September 05

💎 Passing in a Diamond | 87-P3

This technical practice takes place in a 20 by 20-yard area and focuses on developing passing when playing a diamond setup. We use four mannequins arranged in a diamond shape to help players master passing, movement, and positioning. Players take turns dribbling around mannequins, passing to teammates, and rotating through different positions within the diamond, ensuring everyone stays active and involved. As players become more comfortable, the sequence can be adjusted to increase complexity and challenge. This practice is perfect for building confidence in passing, improving spatial awareness, and enhancing overall team coordination! 🎉⚽️


Passing in a Diamond | 87-P3

00:00 Intro 00:05 Practice Breakdown00:24 Progression 1:...
September 03

⚽️ GK Playing Out From the Back | 26-P9

Transform your team's attacking play with this practice, designed to enhance building out from the back and effectively switching the point of attack. In Area 1, players focus on a 3 v 1 build-up scenario, aiming to complete five passes before the goalkeeper switches play to a winger. In Area 2, a 4 v 2 setup unfolds, where the winger, after receiving the switch from the goalkeeper, combines with midfielders to quickly change the play to an opposite winger or player, finishing in one of the mini goals. This practice not only improves players’ ability to maintain possession and switch play under pressure but also boosts their decision-making skills, enhancing overall team performance and tactical awareness. 💪⚽️


GK Playing Out From the Bac...

00:00 Intro00:08 Practice Breakdown Part 100:19 Practice...
September 02

🔥 Pressing as a Collective Unit | 25-P4

Develop your team's defensive skills with this dynamic practice, designed to sharpen pressing as a cohesive unit. The session features two teams: the primary pressing team (Red) and the secondary possession team (Gold). The Red team's mission is to press as a unit, disrupt the possession, win the ball, and counterattack to score in one of the mini-goals. Each time a goal is scored or the play breaks down, the Gold team resets in possession to keep the intensity high. This practice not only builds teamwork and communication but also significantly enhances players' ability to press effectively and transition quickly, key skills for success in competitive matches. 🙌⚽️


Pressing as a Collective Un...

00:00 Intro00:10 Practice Breakdown 00:18 Key Point 1: Front...
June 03

🔥 Attacking Transitions at Speed | 09-P14

This 11 v 11 game is designed to develop fast transitions and improve clinical finishing in the final third. The back line of the first attacking team begins by advancing freely up the field while the midfielders and strikers of the defending team remain inactive. The objective is to connect with the attacking 6 players, who must combine and exploit the 6 v 4 overload to finish. If the defending team wins possession or the attack ends, the ball is played to the previously defending players, triggering a counter-attack in the opposite direction. Both teams aim to score within 8 seconds of receiving possession. This dynamic setup ensures players develop quick decision-making, teamwork, and finishing under pressure! 💪⚽️


Attacking Transitions at Sp...

00:00 Intro and Breakdown00:20 Trigger Attack in Opposite...
June 11

⚽️ The Dribbling Zones Game | Mini Ballers P43

Engage your mini ballers with this exciting small-sided game designed to enhance dribbling and awareness! In this practice, the objective for the team in possession is to have one of their players dribble the ball from Zone 1 to Zone 2, and then from Zone 2 to Zone 3, to finish the attack. The same player or a different player can dribble between the zones. If possession is won in the middle third, players must recycle the ball and dribble through all three zones. If the ball is won in the final zone (the possession team's first zone), the player can finish immediately. This game not only sharpens dribbling skills but also improves players' spatial awareness and decision-making under pressure, making it a fun and essential addition to your training sessions! 💪⚽️


The Dribbling Zones Game | ...

00:00 Problem and Breakdown00:22 Key Point 1: Confidence to...