Leon Jackson

Thanks James Futrell What Phase in particular from 1 Begin the attack to Phase 6 Defend the Goal? Or anything specific?

Thanks Eric EnglebyΒ πŸ‘Œ What Phase in particular from 1 Begin the attack to Phase 6 Defend the Goal? Or anything else specific?

What Phase in particular Roy Malone from 1 Begin the attack to Phase 6 Defend the Goal? Or anything else specific?

What Phase in particular from 1 Begin the attack to Phase 6 Defend the Goal? Or anything else specific?

Popular Shpetim Husaj so will be building this out asap.Β πŸ‘ŒWhat Phase are you most interested from 1 Begin the attack to Phase 6 Defend the goal?

Popular againΒ Roy Malone so will get onto this asap. πŸ‘Œ

Seems a popular one Sheldon Thomas so think we maybe need to jump onto this. πŸ‘Œ

Sam Steele Β first one for the 2321 being released next week! Phase 1 πŸ‘Œ


All sorted.. let me know if this is correct.

Thanks Richard, will get onto replacing this asap. πŸ‘