Leon Jackson

Jun 02 at 05:38 PM

Hey Roberto, welcome to the Touchtight Coaching Family! πŸ‘πŸ˜€

Jun 01 at 08:15 PM

Great defending session

Hi Mark, the 6 Week curriculums are for Annual, Coach Bundle and Lifetime Members.

May 30 at 09:07 PM

Anindya BhattacharyaΒ ok thanks for confirming. It looks like Amy has answered but will follow up with you by email with further information. Thanks for your patience.

May 25 at 01:17 PM

Great feedback, so you probably don’t even know about the filters on the mobile app, as the only way to access them is by clicking the search icon at the top?! πŸ˜… for app users these have been the best way to browse content previously, but if you use desktop most guess will be the main menus.

May 25 at 10:55 AM

Grazie Fabrizio, Γ¨ sul sito web o sull'app mobile o su entrambi?

May 25 at 10:54 AM

Thanks David, is this on the web and the large menu is not a problem for you? Also do you use filters on the app or no?

May 25 at 10:53 AM

Thanks Barry, is this on the website? and do you use the mobile app differently?

May 23 at 10:28 PM


May 23 at 10:46 AM

Yes Greg.. this is great to hear! Anything specifically and have you shown them the animations or just explained it to them yourself after watching the videos? Be great to hear exactly how some of the patterns have worked. πŸ‘