Leon Jackson

Bonjour, vous pouvez créer des vidéos animées sur la plate-forme d'animation sur thecoachplatform.com si vous êtes un utilisateur du pack coach. Vous pouvez également utiliser le planificateur de session sur legacy.touchtight.com pour créer des PDF de plan de session et des diagrammes de session.

Jan 07 at 01:28 PM

Cheers Eric,. yes totally agree!I suppose we would then need to decide say for example if a team had 2 or 3 sessions a week, whether we would do another session of possession, or add in a session of say defending, then crossing and finishing. A tough one for us to get right but great to have your feedback. I might have asked before, but what is the level and age group you coach and what would be suitable as a weekly plan? 1/2/3 sessions etc/.

Jan 07 at 01:27 PM

Thanks Colin!Yes this is what we're thinking. Could be more general topics like attacking for 3 sessions, then following week defending for 3 sessions. Some may like to have 1 session of attacking, then one of defending and then another of counter-attacking or something like this. What age group and level do you coach and what would be most suitable for your groups?

Jan 07 at 01:25 PM

Thanks Carlos, really appreciate that!Yes I think, say a week of breaking defensive lines or defending crosses for example for 2/3 sessions would be really useful. Let me know if you have any specific areas that you think we could create. Thanks again!


Jan 06 at 09:17 PM

Thanks Ryan, great feedback. That’s the type of thing we are thinking about. So on a Sunday or Monday (Coaches decide) we could possibly provide a weekly schedule for 1-4 sessions that coaches can select from, based on what they need to work on from the weekend. Be interesting to hear if coaches would want a single weekly topic i.e crossing and finishing, or a more balanced diet 1 attacking and 1 defending session for example. Maybe have coaches vote during the week for content to be produced for the following week.

Jan 04 at 10:43 PM

Thanks Eric, yes should be up tomorrow. Think we are running a day or two behind on Session Plans for new publications after the hols, but hopefully we can get ahead and publish plans with the video releases from next week onwards. We published 9 new Session Plans today for most recent content as we get caught up. 👍

Jan 03 at 05:48 PM

We will be adding and updating all PDFs (and voiceovers) over the next week or so after the break. If there are any that are missing after this week be sure to let me know and I'll get onto completing any outstanding ones as well.

Jan 03 at 05:46 PM

Hi Eric, hope you had a good break. We are a little behind with some PDFs and Voiceovers with the festive break, but these should be done before the end of the week.

Commented on Hi all

Jan 03 at 01:30 AM

Hey Body, welcome!Think we are all recovering after the Festive break 😅. Time to get back to business.If you need any help along the way be sure to let me know. 💪

Commented on Problem with videos

Dec 23 at 09:38 PM

Hi Carlos, was it one of the coaching themes? We noticed one of the themes hadn’t been assigned and we have amended this. Let me know if you have any further issues.